domenica 9 luglio 2017

Beginning of Sorrows

King of Kings

Saturday, July 8, 2017


Listen to the voice of your wise Counselor My loves. Incline your ears to hear what My Spirit speaks to you. Come boldly to My Throne of grace with all praise, and giving Me the honor due Me. Make your hearts' desires and petitions known to Me as I hear each and every one of them. I am watching you closely, and I will never let you out of My sight. 

My arm of protection is now lifting. This is what you are experiencing now in your spirits. As I draw away from a wicked people that do not choose to walk in My ways, the earth grows darker still. Should I suddenly and instantly withdraw My hand, none would survive, but I am doing what I must do quickly as this is the appointed time for judgment. I have been preparing you for this time. Heed My counsel. There is nothing more important now than this. I will always provide My wisdom for those seeking Me and walking in obedience. See that you do not succumb to the spirits of anxiety, weariness, hopelessness and despair. 

As the earth plunges deeper into darkness and chaos ensues, you will sense this more and more in your spirits.

lunedì 1 maggio 2017

Estimate 70 Million Dead In 6 Hours

April 28, 2017
Russia-China Agree On First Strike Targets against West, Estimate 70 Million Dead In 6 Hours
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A grim Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the High Command of the Aerospace Forces (HCAF) and China’s Central Military Commission (CMP) have reached agreement on the first strike (nuclear weapons) targets against the West after evidence was revealed proving that the United States is preparing a secret nuclear attack against China or Moscow—and that MoD experts note will cause the deaths of at least 70 million people within 6 hours upon the outbreak of war.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, Russian and Chinese military leaders began a series of meetings in the Kremlin beginning Wednesday (26 April) after confirmation was received that the US was deploying its  THAAD Missile Shield in South Korea—and that Major General Cai Jun from the Joint Staff Department of China's Central Military Commission warned about by stating: “China and Russia will take further action to counter this and to safeguard their security interests and the regional strategic balance of China and Russia”.
Likewise, this report continues, Lieutenant General Viktor Poznikhir, first deputy chief of the General Staff's Main Operational Department, further stated that this American global missile shield was aimed at Russia and China presenting a serious threat to Moscow's national security as it would allow the US to launch an unexpected nuclear attack against Russia—and who further warned: “The presence of U.S. missile defense bases in Europe, missile defense vessels in seas and oceans close to Russia creates a powerful covert strike component for conducting a sudden nuclear missile strike against the Russian Federation”.
With the West’s mounting incitements to war against Russia with no evidence presented for any allegation made, this report says, Franz Klintsevich, the first deputy chairman of the Federation Council’s Committee for Defense and Security, has warned these Western leaders that their militaristic-Russophobic rhetoric must stop before this unimaginable war begins.

le puzzette della vecchietta

C'è una vecchietta che va dal medico. "Mi dica signora - le chiede il medico - quale è il suo problema?"
"Guardi - risponde la vecchietta - In generale sto benissimo. Ho solo un piccolo problema all'intestino: faccio moltissime puzzette, praticamente in continuazione. Per fortuna - aggiunge la vecchietta con un sorriso furbo - sono tutte molto silenziose, e non fanno nessun odore. Pensi, da quando sono qui ne avrò fatte almeno una ventina, e lei non si è accorto di niente".

Il medico la visita accuratamente, e poi le prescrive una medicina. "Prenda questa - le dice il medico - e torni fra una quindicina di giorni".
Dopo quindici giorni la vecchietta torna dal medico a farsi visitare. "Come andiamo signora?" le chiede il medico. "Sto bene - risponde la vecchietta - ma adesso c'è un piccolo problema: continuo a fare tante piccole scoreggine, però adesso sono diventate molto puzzolenti".
"Benissimo - risponde il medico - La sinusite è stata curata. Adesso mi prenda quest'altra medicina, così curiamo anche l'udito".